On January 28th, as per the local custom, special puja and annadanam was conducted by villagers for the departure of Chaitanya Baba. Below are a few pictures and a video from the puja.
The local villagers organized the function, and several nearby sadhus also attended. A small yagya was performed, followed by harinama sankirtana and distribution of annadanam to several hundred villagers and guests. The villagers had written a song about Chaitanya Baba and his life, and all sang it together.
The villagers are very poor, so they only marked the samadhi with a pile of bricks and stones. We already spoke with some sthapati masons and have arranged for them to come next month to build a small 6 foot tall samadhi mandir to mark the location for future generations.
Villagers performed harinama sankirtana and circumambulated the samadhi of Chaitanya Baba.