The mysterious Agnivrish at Pateshwar in Maharashtra, where the deity appears to manifest the seven hands of Lord Agni along with the body of a bull (Vrishabha). Agni is described in the Vedas as having two heads, seven hands, and three legs. If you see the deity from the front you can identify all of these aspects. You will see two faces (one human and one bull), seven hands, and three legs (with two human legs and one bull leg).

Rig Veda 4.58.3 describes Agni as follows:

chatvAri shringA trayo asya pAdA dve shIrShe sapta hastAso asya |
tridhA baddho vrishabho roravIti maho devo martyAn A vivesha ||

“Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number. Bound with a triple bond the bull roars loudly; the mighty god hath entered in to mortals.”

According to Sayanacharya, the four horns of Agni are the four Vedas. The three feet are the three daily sacrifices (morning, noon and evening). Others say they refer to the three fields of time (past, present and future). The two heads are the Brahmaudana and the Pravargya ceremonies (others say day and night). The seven hands are the seven metres of the Vedas (others say the seven rays of light). The three bonds are the three sub-divisions of the Vedas (Mantras, Brahmanas and Kalpas), others say they are the three lokas (bhuh, bhuvah, svah).

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