There is a picture often being spread on social media with the claim that an ancient carving of Lord Varaha shows him lifting a globe Earth hundreds of years before modern science had come to this conclusion. The following picture is one example of what is being sent:
When you look at a clear closeup photo, it is actually a shankha (conchshell), not a globe. The shankha (conch) and chakra (discus) are being held in the Lord’s two hands as His weapons. It has nothing to do with a globe Earth and He is not lifting it with his nose. On the far left side is the matching chakra that goes along with the conchshell on the right.
The Earth is represented by the female Devi He is lifting. In South Indian temples Bhu Devi (Earth) is always shown in human form with Lord Varaha. She is Goddess Lakshmi.
The temple carvings them self are also not necessarily ancient (though some may be), as the temple was restored in recent times. You can see in a picture from 1855 and one from today that the entire temple dome was remade along with many other parts of the temple, as it had been lying in complete ruins for centuries.
We should not perpetuate false statements with an intention to make our dharma “look better” or “more scientific”. The Vedic knowledge is already as brilliant as the sun:
kalau naṣṭa-dṛśām eṣa
purāṇārko ’dhunoditaḥ
“This Bhāgavata Purāṇa is as brilliant as the sun. Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the Age of Kali shall get light from this Purāṇa.” – Bhagavata Purana 1.3.43
The sun needs no external illumination. Trying to improve or make the Vedic knowledge appear “better” is like a glow worm trying to shine light on the sun, which is itself the source of all light.
These ancient temples must be not only preserved from decoying by archialogical department but also maintained by concerned state governments to see that such of these temples are well maintained to attract devotees. Temple trustees should take initiative by preserving and making best use of lands belonging to the temples to augment income for maintenance and r arrangs regular Puja etc. By this way we can revive them. General public and philontraphists should also contribute liberally.
This is quite amazing.Hinduism is full of mystery.
We as Hindus should try to learn as much as possible from our Puranas for lot of knowledge is being written by our sages for us.
We can see the beauty of this in many Puranas and Vedas and Upanishads.
Keep me posted Sir
Thanks and regards,
The Carving on the Nose of Varaha is more like a Shankha. As the right hand is carrying a Chakra and the left carrying the Bhu Devi, the sculptor has shown the Shankha on the nose itself, as without both Shankha and chakra , it cannot be identified as Vishnu
Therefore, it is not a GLOBE
Is that Ketu that Lord Varaha has vanquished at the bottom?
Hinduism is the nectar of our heritage
We should taste the essence by being good to each other humans and all other life
The problem with the new generations is asking too many questions why what and how
They should know that Hinduism, its customs, traditions and teachings are based on knowledge of technological and for wellbeing. They have problem to every. custom following. They shoud accept that ancient technologies, carvings etc are far more superior with logic and the explanations are being burned down by the invaders. Unless they follow the traditions and accept as it is our ancient culture, our country will not prosper fully
It is very rare photos worth millions of dollars
The initial narration and subsequent elaboration of the Varaha avatar statue is self explanatory. Kudos for the right interpretation. Santana Dharma neither needs a recommendation or derogation. It’s self illuminated.
That is Hiranyaaksha, who has been vanquished by Varaaha Dev.
I concur with the author of the text
Ours is Sanatana Dharma
There is no need to attribute antiquity to every aspect of our ancient temples
In fact many dynasties and rulers have contributed to old temples, over the years, by adding features for instance the temple of Srirangam
Our ancient temples are treasure troves
Next time you pay a visit, do spend time in observing the intricately carved sculptures, the architecture , besides paying obeisance to the deity
Our skilled artisans of yore could teach engineers of today a lesson or two
Let us together sustain our temples
The magnificence of Hinduism known to us is just the tip of an iceberg… We have infinite treasures by way of temples, scriptures, shlokas, shastras and many unknown sciences and logics…
…. . I hope the govt of each state and the indian govt work together in preserving and reviving them for the generations to benefit….
Lets start with reviving the temples, establish the deities and get the daily pujaas started.
I have seen a few pictures of the earth sitting on Lord Varaha’s nose when He went to the depths of the sea to retrieve the earth. In this picture, it does not appear to be so. Having said that, it does not mean that we diminish Lord Varaha’s accomplishment. Faith will keep us on the right path by following our Puranas which have withstood the test of millenniums. We should not either get too excited or worked up by such observations.
I am astonished to see such beautiful picture of Lord Vishnu Avatar. Hinduism is Ocean and all are part of it.
The photos displayed above a lively and eloquent . India has its resplendent glory to show the world and its immortal treasures of knowledge to teach the world from decay and decomposition.Congratulations
Very nice article – in the ever-excitement to project our culture to be old and scientific, some over-zealous enthusiasts do circulate lot of baseless information like this. Though their intention is not bad, what they do not realise is that it is not easy to pass off anything and everything these days. A well-thought article!!
Lord Krishna blessed mother Earth by eating the clay and sand. And the mother Earth appeared also in-front of him by accepting the blessings. Now what does it matter whether its Cube Structure, Sphere Structure, Cylindrical Structure or any other else for that matter. What matters is that the Earth is our mother and we are grateful for the mother earth, She fulfils all our requirements and accepts all our tortures just like a mother does. In her grand gigantic surface, we are accepted always even if we commit crimes and cut so many animals and trees. She is just tolerating. We need to help the nature and ultimately it is our duty to serve mother earth. And if we can not then finally, Lord will anyway descent on this planet to uplift it by killing all other creatures who forgot this duty! Mother Earth, Mother Yamuna, Mother Ganga all are personalities and they got the forms to serve the Lord. We don’t need to fall into such discussions and instead pray to these forms to elevate us. May the Lord Krishna and Mother Earth both bless us and give us mood of gratitude, service attitude, devotion and humbleness. Thank you for giving us birth here please help us realise your true kind and protecting nature. Please take us into your shelter.
one of the the DASA AVATARAS, many Hindus don’t see in temples the deities of Varaha avatar.
almighty has done so much to save this plant as well keeping the balance of our solar system,
it tells a lot about this sculpture, when you think deep, it now apply to our present state of affairs,
let us save our planet, he has already given one chance, let us not blow it.
Notwithstanding what Hindu haters go on saying, it is to be understood that Hindu culture has no parallel
There is depth in the knowledge imparted many many centuries ago and now this is receiving close attention and appreciation all over the world.
Agree with the comments of Mr Manjunath and Mr Gopal Srinivasan.
I also agree with Mr KP & Mr KS Hindu cultural has no parallel.
Dear Sir
Good day
Agree with the comments of Mr Manjunath and Mr Gopal Srinivasan.
Very nice to know,I am hearing of this type of sculpture for the first time in my life.I am sure that many more are waiting to be discovered.
SriVidhya on May 24, 2020
“The problem with the new generations is asking too many questions why what and how”
I disagree with your statement above. The young must ask questions about their religion and way of life. If they don’t then they will become just mindless of a faith. Yes there are things that they must just accept as being true but questioning is the path to the truth.
Harihi Om! It is a good picture of rare sculpture! Article is a good information as such!
Questioning is a good trait of present generation. Even Lord Krishna tells Arjuna to inquire
,give thought & then except or reject!
Problem is the present older generation is not gone into the depth of our scriptures & rituals! hence they cannot answer the queries from youngsters.They are following the system laid by their fathers & forefathers!
Our education system is based on what Britishers wanted us follow ! Hope now the New Education Policy will take care of the anomalies!
Please do continue to publish such rare Pics & explanations!
Jai Hind! Mera Bharat Mahan!
This is my good luck to see this article and I also agree with the above said comments. Thank you.
Good article written with concern for truth and facts. This is the right attitude to understand our ancient India.